Title I is the federal program that provides funding to local school districts to improve the academic achievement of disadvantaged students. It is part of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act first passed in 1965. Title I is one of the oldest and largest federal programs supporting elementary and secondary education in existence, and over 90% of the school systems in the United States receive some sort of Title I funding.
Gainesville Middle School is a schoolwide Title 1 School and because of this all students benefit from Title 1 funding and services. Title I requires schools to create opportunities that involve parents in the planning and implementation of parent involvement programs, resources and activities, and in the education of their children. The parent involvement requirements for schools and districts serving students through Title I consist of:
Family Engagement Plan
a plan developed with parents: parent involvement activities and district commitments that encompasses all Title I requirements.
distributed to all parents of students in Title I schools and to the local community, and announced at each school’s Annual title I Parent Involvement Meeting